Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Skype for Business Online Ports Reduced

Back in April 2017, I wrote about how Skype for Business Online IP address ranges and ports were planning on being reduced (

The most recent announcement is that this has been completed.

Recent Announcement -

This is a very big change which I know many Skype for Business Online customers will be happy to hear about.  The big change is that UDP/TCP 50,000-59,999 port ranges are now options for Skype for Business Online.  The reason for the change is that given the quality of service that that can be delivered out of Office 365 and the performance Microsoft Network does not require these ports.  Some other facts are:
  • Must be on Skype for Business Online client.
  • UDP/TCP 50,000-59,999 is being marked as optional for Skype for Business Online.
  • If your organization is not blocking them today, still recommended that you keep them open.
  • This change is only for users in Skype for Business Online (in Office 365).  If you have a hybrid environment these ports are still required.
I highly recommend that you review the details of the announcement.

Here is a reference to all Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges -

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