Sunday, June 30, 2024

Microsoft 365 Organizational Messages

A new interesting feature called Organizational Messages for Microsoft 365 will be in Public Preview.  This new interesting feature will assist you with communications with your users outside of email.  Users will receive communications through Windows 11 or Microsoft 365 apps.

Public Preview Microsoft Teams VDI

The new Microsoft Teams client will be starting a public preview with significant new optimizations for VDI.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Microsoft Teams Live Events

Microsoft Teams Live Events has been planned to retire in Sept 2024, however this timeline has been extended.  Customers are still encouraged to transition to Teams Town Hall.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Microsoft 365 Multi-tenant organizations (MTO)

Probably one of the more anticipated feature releases I have been talking about has gone GA.  Multi-tenant organizations (MTO is allows tenants to have richer user and management collaboration experiences across tenants.  It is commonplace that organizations require multiple tenants, for instance merger, acquisition, divestitures, regulatory, etc.  In these cases, organizations are seeking to allow their users to have streamlined user experiences across these tenants plus organizations need streamlined management experiences too.

Some features that you will have access to are:

  • Cross tenant people search
  • Streamlined workforce collaboration (default access to content, bypass meeting lobby, etc.)
  • Cross tenant communications
  • Manage incidents and tickets centrally
  • Centrally manage tenant configurations

Microsoft 365 GCCH FedRAMP and DFAR Compliance

Good updated articles on Microsoft 365 GCCH and how to meet DFAR requirements.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Microsoft Copilot Dashboard

Microsoft Copilot Dashboard is now Generally Available (GA).  This dashboard is powered by Viva Insights and will help organizations have insights into how Microsoft Copilot is being leveraged, adopted and utilized by their users.  Here is a quick break down:

  • Readiness: tells you where you have Copilot activated, and will see how many people have access to Copilot capabilities.
  • Adoption: tells you which apps people are leveraging Copilot.
  • Impact: tells you how many assisted hours Copilot provides to users.  You will have visibility to the assist actions, and see performance differences between users who leverage Copilot and those who do not.  Additionally, feedback information provided by users about Copilot is available by the experience you are reviewing.

Any organization serious about driving adoption of Copilot can leverage this information to understand how they train the users and evangelize Copilot capabilities.

Microsoft Intune Copilot Public Preview

I found this article about how Microsoft Copilot will be integrated with Microsoft Intune will be going into Preview 4/1/2024.  There are definitely some interesting user experiences where AI will:

  • Assist the Intune administrator troubleshooting issues.
  • Summarize information about configurations and settings so that the administrator does not have to click through tons of screens to understand the current configurations.
  • Make recommendations based on best practices to resolve issues that are being investigated.
  • Etc. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

UAL Logging Updates for Office 365

 New logging capabilities are coming for Office 365 customers.  Much of this was driven by our engagement with the US Government to help them obtaining more logs and telemetry data.  Specifically, 

  • Unified Audit Log (UAL) Ingestion Size has been expanded to increase the amount of data flowing to SIEMs.
  • Retention has been increased to 180 days.

There is additional important information in the announcement that you should be considering.

Reference -

Sunday, January 28, 2024